The Foss n Lya show

Friday, January 12, 2007


Larry could do nothing, as Matron had hidden all the teaspoons.

"Where the FUCK are we now?!" belched Kevin, with a beady look in his eye. The kind of look you only ever see when a cadre of emperor penguins are attacking your bivouac. "And why the FUCK are your hands that shape?!"

Macy couldn't reply. Her lips had fallen off half an hour ago, and the children were pulling at her tongue.

"I fucking knew you'd be like this!" He continued. "Ever since Matron stole those pasties, you've been a fucking wreck!"

The van pirhouetted out of control into a nearby kiosk. Newspapers and magazines hurtled through the windscreen like machine gun fire through the French.

Larry knew it was going to be a bad, bad day.


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