The Foss n Lya show

Monday, August 14, 2006


I'm trying not to lower myself down to insult people with too much time on their hands!

With some sort of magical tiger-cup, three average-sized men managed to break in to Disneyland without paying for their entrance tickets.

Goofey ruthlessly slaughtered nine people before proceeding to breaking the necks of all three mentioned above. The Disney™ Company has announced publicly that they are going to punish him by using their most known method.


In other news, if you swallow a harp lying sideways it might relieve, in other cases also cure, backpains, amnesia, ABBA and blindness. This break-through within homeopathy (natural medicine, for those of you that didn't know this) was discovered by Prof. Case, Prof. C. Ompletely Nut Case. And here is his speech from the Annual Homeopathical Conference and Disco Gathering in Munchen 2006:

"I have a dream"
"I have a dream that -ploink- I will once see -pling- this -polink- world -bling- -ploing- -ding!-"
"I give up".

After receiving his United Homeopaths Token of Appreciation from the jury, Prof. C. Ompletely Nut Case died of intestine-boogie-woogie, a not very well-known disease that seems to have been caused by the harps he has during all these years swallowed or inserted through a wide variety of body openings.
His reports claims this disease is not common among his test-groups.

Thank you! And now it's over to you Foss, you have brought a special guest today...


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